Gnome 2.19.90 lanzado

Leo en linuxcompatible:

"This is our seventh development release on our road towards GNOME 2.20.0, which will be released in September 2007. New features are still arriving, so your mission is simple : Go download it. Go compile it. Go test it. And go hack on it, document it, translate it, fix it.

Lots of modules have great plans for 2.19, and if you're willing to help there are many areas where that help is welcome! Don't hesitate to ask how or where you can help. If you don't even know where to start, just send a mail to our fantastic gnome-love mailing list.

No hay grandes innovaciones sino simplemente corrección de errores y mejoras de rendimiento en algunos programas (aquí).

Personalmente, he de admitir que aunque no sea mi escritorio preferido sí que es un proyecto muy bueno, estable y funcional. Enhorabuena a los Gnomeros, pronto estará la versión estable (2.20).

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